What is osteochondrosis and how to treat it is the scope of a multi-purpose approach of a vertebrologist. Among the complexes and methods of treatment, the effect of physiotherapy, the use of manual and reflexotherapy techniques are recognized. Bernard currents, impulse currents are useful. All this is aimed at improving the patient's condition, relieving pain and restoring health.

Overview of Treatment Approaches
Osteochondrosis - is presented as a special complex of dystrophic disorders in the vertebral joints, muscles, nerve endings, which are subject to changes, which leads to the occurrence of dorsopathies, intervertebral hernias, innervation disorders and disability. There are three types of osteochondrosis, depending on the location of the affected area. It can also be polysegmental, when all joints of the spinal column are involved in the process. There are enough reasons for the onset of the disease, and modern medicine has a large range of approaches to treatment. There are conservative methods of treatment in the form of medications, physiotherapy, for example, Bernard currents, as well as surgical, in which surgery is performed.
All experts recognize the fact that treatment should be comprehensive. Among the drugs used are those that are aimed at removing the inflammatory process, the process of pain relief, muscle relaxation and restoration of cartilage tissue.
Non-drug treatments
Treatment of osteochondrosis, along with drugs, is also carried out in a conservative way. To relieve pain, it is supposed to comply with the rest regime, wearing orthoses, stretching, reflexology, manual therapy, laser therapy, physiotherapy, physiotherapy and many other methods. It all depends on the degree of damage by the disease, the localization of osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis should be carried out comprehensively. Along with medications, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy and methods associated with impulse and electric currents.
Reflexology for osteochondrosis is a reliable method of helping the patient, thanks to it you can successfully anesthetize the affected area, restore the function of nerve endings, relax muscles and increase blood supply. The treatment is carried out by acting on a combination of prescription points for each segment of the spine and a healing factor - a reflex response to irritation.
Manual therapy for osteochondrosis
A fashionable trend is manual therapy for osteochondrosis. Many centers and clinics offer to get rid of pain, conduct sessions of such therapy at home, in offices. Before ordering such a procedure, it is necessary to carefully study the qualifications of the doctor and make sure that the therapy will be beneficial. Manual therapy for cervical osteochondrosis is especially popular among those who, by occupation, are associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
Restrictions for manual therapy are introduced if the patient has compression, a herniated disc. In this case, this type of treatment can only cause additional harm. Manual therapy for cervical osteochondrosis complicated by such pathologies can lead to circulatory disorders, headaches, dizziness. Before starting treatment, the chiropractor must be sure that the patient has osteochondrosis in the initial stage, there are no protrusions and hernias.

Restrictions for manual therapy are introduced if the patient has compression, a herniated disc. In this case, this type of treatment can only cause additional harm. Manual therapy for osteochondrosis complicated by such pathologies can lead to circulatory disorders, headaches, dizziness. Before starting treatment, the chiropractor must be sure that the patient has osteochondrosis in the initial stage, there are no protrusions and hernias.
Features of hardware physiotherapy and Bernard currents
Physiotherapy includes exposure to ultraviolet rays, UHF treatment, induction, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, as well as diadynamometric currents (DDT, Bernard currents). The latter method has become widely used in the treatment of not only diseases of the spine, but also in the treatment of nervous and skin diseases. Electric impulses with a force of 50, 100 Hz are used. Current pulses follow separately or continuously, short and long, while maintaining sensitivity to the effects of the electroprocedure. The patient experiences a burning sensation and slight tingling due to the influence of the Bernard current through the electrodes. As a result, blood flow increases, nerve and muscle fibers are excited, and pain decreases. The most important advantage of such treatment is the absence of contraindications. For example, it is not advisable to do magnetic therapy for those who have already had an operation and a titanium structure or a titanium plate has been installed. Magnets can increase pain. Electrophoresis is useful to everyone, but there is no principle of pulsed current in it. Therefore, for recovery, getting rid of pain, increasing blood flow, Bernard's currents are one of the best means of hardware physiotherapy.
Laser therapy for osteochondrosis
Laser therapy for osteochondrosis is a method that uses infrared, red laser radiation in different modes. The laser is directed to the lesion and surrounding tissue areas, directly to the surface of the spine, where osteochondrosis is detected. Laser therapy for osteochondrosis can be supplemented with laser puncture - the impact on certain active points.
It must be remembered that osteochondrosis can turn into a chronic disease and its treatment should be carried out regularly, using a complex of various means, approaches and methods.