The human body often reacts sharply to overload and stress, especially after 30 years. A feeling of heaviness, acute back pain in the lumbar region are all symptoms of stress or signals of the onset of serious pathologies, so you should not simply ignore them. Why does the back hurt and how to treat it?

The difficulty of correct diagnosis lies in the fact that a lot of diseases can manifest in this way, and it can also be a reaction of the body to various external and internal irritating factors.
Finding out why the back hurts and making the correct diagnosis will help the correct analysis of the symptoms, which are very diverse.
Where is the waist located? This is an area of the back that captures the territory from the coccyx to the ribs, which contains many nerve endings and is divided into 2 halves by the spine.
To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to assess the location of unpleasant sensations:
- Above the waist, on the right or left - such a symptom can be an indicator of inflammation of the internal organs: the liver (on the right side) and kidneys (on the right or left just above the waist). They can also be caused by hepatitis, liver failure, polycystic disease, cancer, pyelonephritis. In case of inflammation of the kidneys, discomfort can radiate to the abdomen and hypochondrium.
- Below the waist - such symptoms characterize problems with the spine (lumbago, hernia, curvature), menstrual cramps and diseases of the genital organs in women, intestines, inflammation of the appendix and genitourinary system in men.
Important! Unpleasant sensations in the back can act as a result of inflammation in the body and serious problems.
It is also important to assess the nature of painful sensations:
- Shooting is a symptom of a pinched sciatic nerve. With inflammation of this nerve process in the back, a burning sensation, shooting or tingling appears, and their duration and strength may vary. They are especially aggravated by a change in body position, so a person can most often stay in only one position.
- Sharp pain in the lower back, most often shooting. In addition, a person experiences pulling sensations in the back area and cannot move normally, choosing one comfortable position. Such sensations can be symptoms of: diseases of the lungs and genitourinary system, displacement of the intervertebral discs, renal colic, muscle strain.
- Chronic - constant discomfort in the back area, which disappear for a short time after taking painkillers, but then return again. Point to spondylosis, osteomyelitis, tumors and metabolic disorders.
- Aching pain in the lower back - occurs suddenly, but continues for a long time. Weak painful sensations are symptoms of myositis, overstrain or hypothermia of the muscles;
- Displaced - occur with diseases of the colon, pelvic organs, pancreas or tumors.

Important! Heaviness in the lower back is also a symptom of the inflammatory process of the internal organs or muscles.
It is urgent to consult a doctor if the backache is localized in one area, is chronic, and at the same time numbness and weakness in the limbs occur.
The reasons
There are several groups of different causes that can cause back pain. They are divided into natural and pathological or acquired.
Natural ones include:
- serious physical exertion - due to the accumulation of lactic acid, muscle tissue loses elasticity and begins to swell;
- sedentary work - due to lack of movement and, as a result, circulatory disorders, heaviness appears in the lower back;
- disruptions in the digestive system, which can radiate to the back;
- a long stay in the cold - low temperature causes the vessels to shrink and slows down blood flow, which gives discomfort;
- stress - with this phenomenon, the spinal muscles undergo spasms, causing a feeling of squeezing and discomfort.

Pathological causes include:
- diseases of the spine - negative processes in it lead to serious diseases, which are accompanied by constant discomfort;
- vascular diseases and heart disease - if the cramps are concentrated in the region of the shoulder blades and under them, and are also accompanied by a feeling of squeezing, pressure drops and shortness of breath, then these are symptoms of atherosclerosis and ischemia;
- inflammation of the sciatic nerve - if there is a sharp pain in the lower back and a person can only be in one position, most likely this nerve has a cold;
- inflammation of the genitourinary system - nephritis, colpitis, endometritis and other diseases give swelling of the organs and their tissues in the waist area;
- muscle inflammation;
- trauma;
- diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.
Important! Due to the different structure and properties of the body in women and men, back pain in them can be symptoms of completely different processes.
Lower back pain in men can be related to:
- pathologies in the kidneys;
- problems of the reproductive system;
- consequences of trauma.

Lower back pain in men over 35 years of age is very common, since at this age they are at risk, therefore, with the slightest symptoms, you should contact the clinic. The risk group also includes men who:
- engage in physical labor;
- lead a sedentary lifestyle;
- are overweight and have bad habits;
- have weak immunity.
Which doctor to contact in case of problems? First of all, to the therapist, and he, after receiving the initial data and analyzes, will send the patient to an infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, urologist, nephrologist, neuropathologist or proctologist.
Women also often have lower back pain, but the reasons for this can be completely different than those of the male.
There is no single answer, it could be:
- Premenstrual syndrome or cramps during menstruation - due to delays, hormonal failure, uterine contractions, tension and swelling of the tissues of the genitourinary system, there is tension in the pelvis and back pain in the lumbar region.
- Pregnancy - due to the increase in body weight, there is increased pressure on the woman's spine, and this leads to tension in the lower back in women. It should be mentioned that in the early stages, heaviness and pain in the lower back can be a signal for the threat of miscarriage, therefore, when it appears, consult a doctor immediately;
- After childbirth - if before childbirth the girl had problems with the spine, then after childbirth they do not disappear, but have the peculiarity, on the contrary, to intensify due to the possible displacement of the vertebral discs or their pinching.
- Gynecological diseases - pain in the lower back in women, which accompanies all inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, occurs regardless of the load. Because of them, there is heaviness and aching pain in the lower back. If there is acute pain in the lower back, this is a symptom of an ovarian rupture or an ectopic pregnancy.
- Problems with internal organs and spine.
The female risk group includes women who:
- have infections of the genitourinary system;
- the intestines are unstable;
- there are tumor diseases;
- sedentary work;
- complications after colds;
- physiological changes;
- excessive physical activity;
- increased body weight;
- experience with epidural anesthesia in the past.
In addition to diseases and inflammatory processes in the body, there are a number of provoking factors that cause pain in the lower back:
- hypothermia;
- sedentary lifestyle and rare physical activity;
- excessive physical activity;
- professional sports, bodybuilders, bodybuilders, weightlifters should be especially careful.
If you are in one of the risk groups, you should regularly exercise under the supervision of a qualified trainer, as well as be observed by a doctor, performing preventive actions aimed at preventing the occurrence of back problems.
If back problems have already arisen, then preventive actions will not help. You should consult a doctor, find out the exact cause and start treatment. You can use the methods of traditional medicine, or you can turn to the traditional one, but any actions should be agreed with your doctor. Which doctor should I contact? To begin with, to the therapist, and after finding out the reasons - to a narrow specialist.
Folk remedies

Traditional medicine involves the use of several methods of struggle:
- Massage - massaging a stiff back will help relieve tension and swelling. You can do self-massage, or you can contact a specialist, but only a proven one, so that he does not aggravate the problems that have already appeared.
- Physical exercises - regular exercises and warm-ups during the day are carried out to relax the muscles and relieve tension in the muscles.
- Compresses - to relieve tissue swelling, compresses should be made from cabbage, burdock leaves and plantain. After putting them on and wrapping your back with a warm scarf, you should lie down in peace for half an hour.
Traditional medicine can also be used as a prophylaxis to prevent serious problems. But if back pain in the lumbar region increases, and massage, compresses and exercises do not bring relief, you should immediately consult a therapist.
Contacting a doctor
If discomfort and aching pain in the lower back do not go away, and traditional medicine and massages do not help, how to treat? First, you should consult a therapist and find out their cause. For diagnosis, the back is examined in several ways:
- X-rays are taken to check for injuries.
- Ultrasound examinations are carried out to exclude diseases and inflammations of internal organs. For this purpose, MRI with CT can also be performed.
- General and biochemical analyzes.
- ECG and gastroscopy are performed to rule out heart disease and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

After an accurate diagnosis is established, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment measures:
- problems with the spine, joints and muscles are treated with non-steroidal medicines, courses of therapeutic exercises and massage;
- cardiovascular diseases are treated by limiting physical activity and prescribing appropriate medications;
- diseases of the digestive tract imply adherence to a strict diet and courses of medicines enveloping the intestines;
- bronchopulmonary pathologies are treated with antibacterial and antiviral drugs;
- problems of the pelvic organs - antimicrobial agents and physiotherapy.
In addition, you should also deal with prevention:
- do not carry weight;
- always keep your back straight;
- sleep on a hard mattress;
- avoid hypothermia, stress and overeating;
- treat acute diseases in a timely manner.
Back pain is easily prevented by timely prevention: a proper lifestyle, regular moderate physical activity - all this will help prevent back problems and alleviate existing ones.