Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is a difficult task, because bone and cartilage tissues are poorly restored. In order for a person’s condition to return to normal (inflammation disappeared, the vertebrae returned to their place), sometimes surgical intervention is needed. But this method is outdated.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck in a specialized clinic is:
- Medical assistance from unique specialists;
- Innovative effective treatment without surgery;
- Absence of pain, injections, side effects;
- Original German equipment;
- Long-term effect of the therapy;
- Treating the causes of the disease, not the symptoms;
- Avoidance of inpatient treatment;
- 100% regeneration after completing the course.
Relieve yourself of pain today!
MBST therapy
All the attention of doctors is focused on ensuring that patients get rid of problems and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. MBST-therapy allows you to eliminate the cause of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and not only save the patient from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
The principle of operation of this therapeutic method is based on the fact that the metabolism in tissues is regulated by electric and magnetic fields. If in a healthy organ or system the processes of regeneration, that is, updates, proceed independently, then in case of violation of functions, they require an impulse action from the outside. In MBST therapy, magnetic resonance is used as such an impulse, which sends signals to diseased tissues that reproduce the signals of a healthy body system. Normalized metabolism allows you to resume the process of regeneration in the cells of cartilage, bone tissue, tendons, etc. Due to this, cervical osteochondrosis is treated.
After 8-10 sessions, not only the process of destruction is stopped, but also the restoration of damaged tissues. The effect persists for more than 5 years without surgery and long-term medication!
Benefits of MBST
The most effective way to treat and save from osteochondrosis of the neck is MBST therapy. The method has the following advantages:
- absence of pain;
- high efficiency (even if the disease is not at an early stage);
- damaged tissues are restored throughout the year;
- getting rid of the cause, not muffling the symptoms;
- no side effects.
If you are faced with a disease, you do not need to go to the hospital to undergo long-term treatment with drugs. For a complete recovery, it will be enough to undergo several procedures (usually 5-9 times are enough), which take only 1 hour a day.
To restore mobility, relieve pain, and improve the quality of life, you must first sign up for an initial consultation by phone. The doctor will draw up a personal program for you, according to which the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will take place. And after 2-6 weeks you can return to your usual way of life and forget about the pain! The cost of the course depends on the severity of the disease.
What else can be treated with MBST therapy?
MBST therapy is indicated for people suffering from degenerative joint diseases. For example: with injuries of ligaments, tendons, with osteoporosis, with chronic pain due to disorders in the vertebral joints.
These procedures are especially indicated for the following diseases and disorders:
- arthrosis (I - III stages);
- osteoporosis;
- damaged vertebrae (some types of damage to the intervertebral discs);
- epicondylitis (inflammation of the tendons of the forearm at the points of connection with the muscles, typical for some sports loads - the so-called "tennis hand" and "golfer's elbow" syndromes);
- sports and other injuries with damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments.
- some types of jaw orthopedics and dentistry (arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint - all forms of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint; restoration of the bone structures of the jaw; acceleration of the ingrowth of dental implants; loosening of the teeth).
- Any active electronic implants in or in the immediate vicinity of the treatment area. For example: pacemakers, defibrillators (ICD systems), insulin and pain medication pumps, etc.
- Pregnancy.
- Tumors and inflammations of a bacterial nature.
- Leukemia.
- HIV.
- Rheumatic diseases in the active stage.
Relative contraindications include ferromagnetic objects. Also, patients with very high blood pressure or severe heart disease should undergo additional testing to determine if MBST can be used to treat a particular disease.
Etiology of the disease

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a disease in which a dystrophic process occurs and develops in the intervertebral discs, other tissues of the spine are affected. In the tissues of the destroyed and lost elasticity of the intervertebral discs, inflammatory processes begin, leading to edema. This causes disruption of the nerve endings, which, as a result, causes severe and prolonged pain.
The development of symptoms precedes complications. Advanced stages can provoke a malfunction of the musculoskeletal system, which will lead the patient to disability (partial or complete immobilization). It is important to diagnose and treat the disease at an early stage.
The reasons
The reasons for the development of degenerative processes of osteochondrosis in the intervertebral discs of the neck are not fully understood. Symptoms of the disease usually manifest themselves closer to 35 years. The development of cervical osteochondrosis can be provoked by overloads, head injuries, etc. It is characteristic that the older the person suffering from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the more it manifests itself.
Here are the main reasons for the development:
- age-related changes;
- rachiocampsis;
- displacement of the vertebrae;
- violation of posture;
- genetic predisposition;
- spinal injury;
- poor physical fitness;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- spinal overload;
- heavy physical activity;
- bad environmental conditions.
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis
To understand how to treat cervical osteochondrosis, consider its main features:
- severe pain in the neck - it is difficult for a person to even turn his head (the pain can spread to the back of the head, the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears and eyes, shoulders);
- pain in the hands (it seems that the muscles hurt), which increase with the slightest load;
- constant tension of the muscles of the cervical spine and head;
- headache (in the back of the head, radiating to the temples and crown of the head);
- dizziness;
- noise in ears;
- proliferation of connective tissue in the region of the cervical spine;
- stiffness in the neck in the morning;
- crunching when turning the body or head
It is characteristic of the disease that the discomfort does not disappear even at night. Neck pain and other signs of the disease are only part of the symptoms. Patients with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine also often complain of decreased visual acuity, hearing loss, numbness of the tongue, pain in the heart, etc. People try to make a "disease diagnosis" on their own. All this can aggravate a person’s well-being, since diagnosis and treatment are issues that doctors should deal with. Therefore, if you find the first symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical region, we recommend that you seek help from a doctor.
Can osteochondrosis cause more serious diseases? The answer is unequivocal: yes, it can.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is the cause of the development of vertebral artery syndrome, when, in addition to pain in the neck, tinnitus appears, "flies", colored spots before the eyes, and slight dizziness appear. Compression of the nerve roots and blood vessels can cause a displacement of the disc in the lateral posterolateral directions, protrusion, and other pathologies. The entire spine will instantly respond to the displacement of the vertebral discs.
The lack of a quick start in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis leads to the development of the following complications:
- herniated discs of the neck;
- paralysis, paresis (decrease in muscle strength due to damage to the nerve pathways connecting the brain to a muscle or muscle group) of the upper limb on one or both sides;
- ischemic stroke of the brain (occurring against the background of circulatory disorders of the brain);
- spinal stroke - an acute violation of the spinal circulation with damage to the spinal cord and a disorder of its functions due to the cessation of blood flow.
Diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
Treatment of osteochondrosis should begin with a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient. It includes:
- Examination of the patient. If the disease has reached stage 2-3, there is a noticeable deformation of the skeleton, possibly displacement of the vertebrae. The attending physician should collect an anamnesis to exclude or confirm the hereditary route of transmission.
- Laboratory research of blood, urine.
- X-ray examination to determine the presence and size of osteophytes, the height or contours of the cervical intervertebral discs.
- Discography will define the outline of the nucleus pulposus. This procedure involves the introduction of a contrast agent.
- Computed tomography is used in rare cases, since the diagnosis is carried out with strong radiation, which is negative for the patient.
- An ECG is done to rule out or confirm cardiac ischemia.
Illness is not a sentence! Seek advice from a specialist if you are concerned about persistent neck pain - treatment will prevent the risk of developing more serious pathologies.
Treatment methods for cervical osteochondrosis
Alternative medicine
Non-traditional medical therapy is not recommended in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. However, the attending physician may allow you to supplement the course with prescriptions. The most famous methods in which you can supplement, rather than replace therapy are:
- treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with warming compresses with propolis;
- massages (he will return the vertebrae to their position and relax the muscles). Massage must be performed by a doctor, otherwise the procedure may harm the patient;
- water procedures;
- treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with tinctures based on lemon and garlic (cooking, rubbing).
Traditional medicine and self-medication may not bring results, but also harm the patient. They only muffle the symptoms of the disease - the disease itself does not go away, but gradually develops, which can develop serious complications. Therefore, we recommend that you seek medical help at the first sign of the disease.
conservative methods
Medical therapy
Conservative treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, if a serious stage of the disease is detected, includes constant medication. Such funds restore blood circulation, bone tissue and help from unpleasant side effects. They are prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination.
In the classical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, chondoprotectors and vasodilators are used. Chondoprotectors are preparations (ointments, tablets) for the restoration of cartilage and bone tissue, and vasodilators are means for restoring blood flow, as well as the supply of nutrients to the affected tissues. One of the properties of drugs is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Tablets, ointments or injections - the form of release of drugs has a large selection. What type of drug treatment the patient needs, the doctor will determine.
The treatment of symptoms and the disease itself is effectively carried out with physiotherapeutic procedures. Basically, they are needed for the gradual restoration of affected tissues and are prescribed as an adjunct to drug therapy. Physiotherapy reduces the intake of drugs, which is good for the liver, eliminates systemic side effects and allergies. Therefore, patients who have no contraindications, they are prescribed. Different methods of physiotherapy can be used together or separately.
The primary task of doctors, with classical therapy, is not the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. And the elimination or reduction of the severity of concomitant symptoms (pain, muscle spasms, etc. ).
At stages 2-3, patients complain of sharp, penetrating pain that manifests itself with head movements. Then they are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes intramuscular injection is used. Medicines have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. This is true in case of injury by a displaced disk of the soft tissues of the neck.
When intramuscular administration of NSAIDs has not relieved swelling and inflammation, hormonal agents are used. Glucocorticosteroids have a clear analgesic, anti-edematous effect. Hormonal preparations with anesthetics are used for drug blockades. But glucocorticosteroids should not be used frequently. They are harmful to internal organs, damage cartilage, bones, ligamentous-tendon apparatus. Hormonal agents adversely affect the immune system.
Most often, in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, anesthetics are used for drug blockades. They are characterized by a pronounced analgesic effect and a wide range of applications. In the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies, they are prescribed for the blockade of peripheral nerves and nerve nodes. It is the infringement of the spinal roots by a hernial protrusion that causes acute pain.
Local irritants
Ointments and balms with a warming effect are often prescribed for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, but in the absence of soft tissue inflammation. The ingredients that make up their composition irritate the sensitive nerve endings located in the subcutaneous tissue, eliminating pain. Such drugs have a vasodilating effect, accompanied by an intense, prolonged sensation of heat.
Preparations for improving blood microcirculation
Means to improve blood circulation are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of any localization. But with neck pathology, they are more often needed. In this part of the spine, there is often a compression of the artery, through which nutrients and oxygen enter the brain. Often used to improve microcirculation preparations with thioctic acid. They dilate blood vessels, restore the functioning of the spinal roots, improve trophism and innervation.
To improve a person's well-being, strengthen the body's defenses, replenish the reserves of substances necessary for tissue regeneration, patients are prescribed balanced complexes of vitamins and microelements. It is enough to take one tablet of any drug daily to eliminate the deficiency that has arisen. But more often used in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are injections with vitamins of group B. Vitamins of group B in tablets can also be prescribed. Their course use helps to improve the transmission of nerve impulses, stimulate natural mechanisms aimed at recovery.
This is the only group of drugs that are used for the pathogenetic treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck. At the initial stage of pathology development, chondroprotectors are used for partial restoration of intervertebral discs. This effect is due to the ability of chondroitin and glucosamine to stimulate the synthesis of proteoglycans, increase the production of hyaluronic acid, activate all the functions of cartilage cells (chondrocytes), and suppress their premature destruction.
Surgical intervention
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis if nothing helps? It is believed that only the operation remains. Surgery is prescribed in the following cases:
- 3 months of non-invasive therapy did not give results, the patient continues to suffer from severe pain, spasms and other ailments;
- the condition of the neck poses a threat to the health of the patient (important arteries are pinched, a high risk of stroke or death of brain cells is created);
- deformation of the vertebrae or intervertebral discs of the neck leads to a serious limitation of mobility up to disability;
- due to pinching of nerve endings, limbs are taken away.
The list of indications can be expanded. But one thing remains common: surgery is performed only when there is a serious danger to the patient. Before it, they try to get by with more benign recovery options.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with conservative methods gives a result, but also discomfort to the patient. If we are talking about surgery, then you should be aware that any operation involves a rather serious rehabilitation period.
Prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical region
In order to prevent osteochondrosis of the neck or any other problems with the spine from becoming relevant for you, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:
- lead an active lifestyle: swim in the pool, run in the morning, do exercises (gymnastics and special exercises are often practiced not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of the neck itself);
- when busy in a sedentary job, you should try to sit with a straight back and relaxed shoulders;
- sedentary work should be carried out on a chair with a back that will support the spinal column;
- so that during the night's rest the spine is in the correct position, it is recommended to get an orthopedic mattress and pillow;
- avoid lifting heavy objects, if this is unavoidable, then they need to be lifted smoothly;
- when playing sports, monitor the correctness of the exercises, as various injuries can provoke displacement of the vertebrae and lead to the development of the disease;
- You should add to the diet foods enriched with vitamins and trace elements.
A course of massage is also an effective method of preventing many diseases of the spine, which is simply beneficial for the body as a whole. However, it is worth noting that you can not use the services of masseurs and "chiropractors" who do not have a medical education and a permit for the relevant work. Only specialists should take care of your body.
Protecting yourself from the development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is quite difficult, but nothing is impossible. If you find any signs of pathology, seek help from a specialist to determine the nature of the symptoms that have arisen. It is possible that the cause may lie not in the spine, but in violation of the functions of other systems and organs.
Subject to the rules listed above, the possibility of developing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is reduced. Remember that preventing the development of a disease is easier than treating it.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is available today! No surgery, no risks or complications after surgical treatment! If you have already been diagnosed with a disease or have any other diseases of the spine, be sure to undergo a consultation where you will be prescribed a suitable treatment.